Drinking Coffee Could Prevent Baldness?
Jakarta Wants avoid baldness? your daily drinks such as coffee might be the solution. How can that be?
As reported in News, Friday (8/8/2015), this idea is promoted by Dr. Adolf Klenk, a scientist who is interested in the benefits of coffee. He claimed, coffee can help hair growth since 2004.
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We know caffeine can penetrate the hair roots. This is because hair takes a lot of energy for the next phase of growth,
He said.
A recent study published in the British Journal of Dermatology also adds to a series of benefits of coffee to overcome baldness.
The research indicates the effects of caffeine on the hair follicle manusiadi different levels (molecular, cellular, and organ). But to produce the perfect effect, you are advised to consume 40-50 cups a day, every day. Of course it is not possible and feels redundant. Therefore, scientists have created a concentration of caffeine shampoo,
He said.
When the roots of the hair is dead and you can't revitalize it, wash your hair with coffee extracts can overcome baldness to 20 percent,
He said.