Saturday, October 15, 2016

Video Gymnastics Zumba To Lose Weight

Video Gymnastics Zumba To Lose Weight

Gymnastics zumba in addition to nourish the body it can also lose weight. This is because exercise is an exercise zumba cardio done in a short time with a high intensity. So it is very helpful in the process of fat burning and weight loss.

Zumba exercise movement combines movements from Latin American dance such as hip-hop, belly dance, salsa, tango, samba, and several other types of dance. So as to train the muscles of the body such as muscle hips, waist, and legs.

Gymnastics Zumba

There are 3 Zumba classes are categorized according to the level of ability and age, namely:

1. Zumba Gold: For senior level where the dance movements designed to strengthen bones as well as focusing on flexibility.

2. Zumbatomic: For levels of children aged 4-12 years. His movements were helpful to improve health, flexibility, and concentration of children.

3. Zumba Fitness: For a teenager to adult levels. Useful to help growth and improve health.

Gymnastics Zumba 70:30

Although exercise zumba seemed relaxed, but the movement is not carried out at random. Portions gymnastic movements zumba dance 70% and 30% fitness. While doing zumba, we will not be taught first movement, but directly follow the movements of the instructor.

Gymnastics is a sport zumba fun because we can dance
 the rhythm of lively music. So you are not aware already burn body fat overall. In one session of zumba exercises one hour, you can burn 400 to 1,000 calories. The following zumba exercise video that you can try at home:

Video Gymnastics Zumba

To obtain maximum results, do zumba exercise 4-5 times each week. However, if only to keep kebugara, you can do it 2-3 times a week. Interested to try?

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